*: student under my supervision
: joint first authors
Probabilistic Modeling and Inference
J. Yin, Y. Feng, and Y. Liu.
Modeling behavioral dynamics in digital content consumption: An attention-based neural point process approach with applications in video games.
Marketing Science, forthcoming.
[abstract] [pdf]
Z. Wang, L. Guo, J. Yin, and S. Li.
Bandit Learning in Many-to-One Matching Markets.
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2022.
F. Kong, J. Yin, and S. Li.
Thompson sampling for bandit learning in matching markets.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022 (acceptance rate: 15%).
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Yin, J. Luo*, and S. A. Brown
Learning from crowdsourced multi-labeling: A variational Bayesian approach.
Information Systems Research, 32(3), 752–773, 2021.
[abstract] [pdf]
Amazon AWS Machine Learning Research Award, 2019.
Best Paper Award, Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, 2018.
Best Paper Award Runner-up, INFORMS Workshop on Data Science, 2017.
W. Li, J. Yin, and H. Chen.
Supervised topic modeling using hierarchical Dirichlet process-based inverse regression: Experiments on e-commerce applications.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 30(6), 1192-1205, 2018.
[abstract] [pdf]
Q. Ho , J. Yin , and E. P. Xing.
Latent space inference of Internet-scale networks.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(78), 1−41, 2016.
[abstract] [pdf]
L. Zhu, D. Guo, J. Yin, G. Ver Steeg, and A. Galstyan.
Scalable temporal latent space inference for link prediction in dynamic social networks.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 28(10), 2765−2777, 2016.
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Yin, Q. Ho, and E. P. Xing.
A scalable approach to probabilistic latent space inference of large-scale networks.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2013.
[abstract] [pdf] [appendix] [poster]
Q. Ho, J. Yin, and E. P. Xing.
On triangular versus edge representations - towards scalable modeling of networks.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2012.
[abstract] [pdf] [appendix] [code]
J. Yin, N. Beerenwinkel, J. Rahnenführer, and T. Lengauer.
Model selection for mixtures of mutagenetic trees.
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 5(1), Article 17, 2006.
[abstract] [pdf] [code]
High-dimensional Nonparametric Inference
M. Marchetti-Bowick, J. Yin, J. A. Howrylak, and E. P. Xing.
A time-varying group sparse additive model for genome-wide association studies of dynamic complex traits.
Bioinformatics, 32(19), 2903−2910, 2016.
[abstract] [pdf]
Healthcare and Biological Sciences
M. Marchetti-Bowick, J. Yin, J. A. Howrylak, and E. P. Xing.
A time-varying group sparse additive model for genome-wide association studies of dynamic complex traits.
Bioinformatics, 32(19), 2903−2910, 2016.
[abstract] [pdf]
E. P. Xing, R. Curtis, G. Schoenherr, S. Lee, J. Yin, K. Puniyani, W. Wu, and P. Kinnaird.
GWAS in a box: statistical and visual analytics of structured associations via GenAMap.
PLOS ONE, 9(6):e97524, 2014.
[abstract] [pdf]
R. Curtis, J. Yin, P. Kinnaird, and E. P. Xing.
Finding genome-transcriptome-phenome association with structured association mapping and visualization in GenAMap.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), 2012.
[abstract] [pdf] [poster]
J. Yin, N. Beerenwinkel, J. Rahnenführer, and T. Lengauer.
Model selection for mixtures of mutagenetic trees.
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 5(1), Article 17, 2006.
[abstract] [pdf] [code]
Workshop Papers
J. Yin, Q. Ho, and E. P. Xing.
Scalable overlapping community detection in Internet-scale networks.
Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), 2015.
[abstract] [pdf]
W. Dai, J. Wei, X. Zheng, J. K. Kim, S. Lee, J. Yin, Q. Ho, and E. P. Xing.
Petuum: A system for iterative-convergent distributed ML.
Workshop on Big Learning at Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2013.
[abstract] [pdf]